Fundamentals of an Anointed Gospel Choir: Fundamentals for a Christian Gospel Choir to maintain its spirituality despite today's contrary Gospel Culture by Gerard A. Davis (Paperback)
This book was designed to provide both motivation and direction to any person passionate about gospel choir singing and performance. Whether you are involved in a world renowned professional choir, a local community choir or just considering joining the existing choir at your church, this book is full of proven critical knowledge which will help you become fruitful in that endeavor. This book emphasizes the universal importance of specific spiritual and mechanical fundamentals which are far too often neglected. An Anointed Gospel Choir is one who has the power of God “Activated” within their group. It’s a choir with a spiritual Anointing “Rubbed” - “Smeared” - “Painted” on their effort to make an impact which is the goal of Christian ministry. Most choirs pretend to be anointed, but a truly Anointed Gospel Choir is clothed with “Life” and this enables them to reach a level of effectiveness that only a group with real power can reach...The fundamentals in this book are not intended to change the way your choir sounds. However, this information is what I consider the key elements in achieving the level of spiritual effectiveness that every true gospel choir should have. My goal is to increase your choir’s fervency and help it begin to give performances that are spiritually nourishing to the listening congregation; not just entertaining.